Prevent The Primary Section
Device Development Progress
We are a diverse group with a common goal fundraising to complete a project that will develop a medical device that will reduce the chance of cesarean section by a estimated 20% for failure to progress in labor and prevent injury to sensitive maternal tissues. Funding goals have been set to cover the cost needed to cover phases 1 thru 5 in the development process (see below). The device has been patented and VitaTek has been selected to develop the device so it can be used by laboring women around the world.
Preventing The Primary Section

Our Progress
Project Started: AUGUST 1st
Current Objectives: Phase 0 and 1
Donate NOW by clinking on the tab above. Your participation and giving make a HUGE difference. Join us in our effort to Prevent The Primary Section.
Phase 0-Exploration
-Problem Definition
-Market assessment
-Technology Assessment
-Concept Development
-Patentability Report​​
Estimated Time: 2 months
Phase 0 Funding:
Phase 1-Prototyping
-Supplier Sourcing
-Concept Refinement
-Low-Fidelity Prototypes
-Bench Testing
-Regulatory Roadmap​​
-User Assessment​
Estimated Time: 2 months
Phase 1 Funding:

Future Phases
Refinement & Testing
High Fidelity Prototypes
User Testing
Concept Freeze
Supplier Selection
Regulatory Development​​​
Estimated Time: 2-4 months
Pilot Builds & VV Testing
Design and Manufacturing
Functional Prototypes
Pre DV Testing
BOM Development
Supply Chain
Design Freeze​​​
Estimated Time: 4-5 months
Tooling & Low Volume Runs
Verification & Validation Testing
Regulatory Documentation Prep
Regulatory Submission​​​
Estimated Time: 3-4 months
Production Orders
Plug-N-Play Sales Team
Estimated Time: 2-3 months